Raptor 3.0.0-rc.1
A fast and space-efficient pre-filter for querying very large collections of nucleotide sequences
raptor::search_arguments Struct Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for raptor::search_arguments:

Public Member Functions

raptor::threshold::threshold_parameters make_threshold_parameters () const noexcept
void print_timings () const

Public Attributes

std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > bin_path {}
bool cache_thresholds {false}
bool compressed {false}
timer< concurrent::yes > compute_minimiser_timer {}
uint8_t errors {0}
double fpr {0.05}
timer< concurrent::yes > generate_results_timer {}
std::filesystem::path index_file {}
bool is_hibf {false}
timer< concurrent::yes > load_index_timer {}
std::filesystem::path out_file {"search.out"}
double p_max {0.15}
uint8_t parts {1u}
std::filesystem::path query_file {}
timer< concurrent::yes > query_file_io_timer {}
timer< concurrent::yes > query_ibf_timer {}
uint64_t query_length {}
timer< concurrent::yes > query_length_timer {}
seqan3::shape shape {seqan3::ungapped{20u}}
uint8_t shape_size {shape.size()}
uint8_t shape_weight {shape.count()}
double tau {0.9999}
uint8_t threads {1u}
double threshold {std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()}
bool verbose {false}
timer< concurrent::yes > wall_clock_timer {}
uint32_t window_size {20u}
bool write_time {false}

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